

数据分析机构Skew 10日通过Twitter指出,比特币、黄金的一个月关联系数创下历史新高记录,显示在“疯狂印钞”的环境下,比特币的保值功能越来越强。

Bitcoin/Gold 1 mth correlation reaching new all-time highs, giving momentum to the store-of-value narrative for BTC in these“money printer go brrr” times.pic.twitter.com /hr7l8GPvF8

—skew (@skewdotcom)August 10, 2020


知名财经畅销书《富爸爸,穷爸爸》作者罗伯特清崎(Robert Kiyosaki)11日当天在Twitter表示,俄罗斯疫苗的消息导致黄金、白银惨跌,比特币稳定。现在究竟该买或卖?投机客或许想要卖出,但投资人会趁机买进。庞大的负债、疲软的经济才是真正的问题。Fed一定要印钞。我是投资人,现在是买进更多黄金、白银及比特币的极佳时刻。

Russia says it has vaccine. Gold, silver plunge. Bitcoin stable. TIME to BUY or SELL? If you are a speculator you may want to sell. If investor buy. REAL PROBLEM is massive debt and weak economy. FED MUST PRINT. I am an investor. Great time to buy more gold, silver& Bitcoin.

—therealkiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki)August 11, 2020


SAVERS ARE LOSERS. CASH IS TRASH. TREASURIES ARE THIEVES working for the Fed. GOT THE MESSAGE? Central Banks have an avowed goal of decreasing the value of cash by 2% per year. Please don ‘t be a loser. Open your mind and get smarter about your money. Got gold, silver & Bitcoin?

—therealkiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki)August 12, 2020