IG误删 #blacklivesmatter帖子 官方:自动审核系统错判

受George Floyd一事影响,美国甚至全球都相当关注种族歧视问题,而各大社交平台也出现一些声援帖文。近日,Instagram就在其Twitter发推文指,其自动审核技术在识别帖子的时候,误删了一些与黑人平权相关的帖子。


1/ We’re aware that some people are incorrectly running into “action blocked” messages when using the hashtag#blacklivesmatter, or resharing related posts. We have technology that detects rapidly increasing activity on Instagram to help combat spam.

—Instagram Comms (@InstagramComms)June 1, 2020

3/ We want to be clear that using#blacklivesmatteris supported and celebrated on Instagram, and we are moving quickly to ensure voices using this hashtag are heard.

—Instagram Comms (@InstagramComms)June 1, 2020
