任天堂Switch大量账户被黑 官方建议激活双步骤验证功能



Took a look at initial survey submissions. Based on data so far, the most likely explanation is Nintendo Network ID passwords being compromised.

92.7% of compromised accounts, that used a unique password (not used elsewhere), had their NNID linked.

Just a hypothesis, not fact.pic.twitter.com/KSrjCt3wHR

—Pixelpar (@pixelpar)April 20, 2020

Firstly, go to the Nintendo Account Website, login, enable 2 Factor Authentication, but before leaving, check your sign in history. If you notice any unauthorized sign ins (especially from places like Russia, Australia, Saudi Arabia, etc) change your password immediately

—Terran Sherwood (@TerranSherwood)April 4, 2020


You can help secure your Nintendo Account by enabling 2-Step Verification.

For more details, visit:https://t.co/kqxbp8TobDpic.twitter.com/hZ1PnFWZQw

—Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica)April 9, 2020