
微软Azure在1月25日下午4点半于推特发文通知用户Azure发生网络问题,当客户尝试访问公共Azure地区中的Azure资源,以及Microsoft 365和PowerBI,可能出现网络延迟或是超过时等网络连接问题。目前微软完成修复,云计算服务恢复正常。

We are currently investigating a networking issue impacting connectivity to Azure for a subset of users. More information will be provided as it becomes available. For more information, please refer tohttps://t.co/GIfq5mC5Eb

— Azure Support (@AzureSupport)January 25, 2023


除了Azure状态页面提及的Microsoft 365和PowerBI服务中断,Xbox推特官方账号在下午6时发文,提及数项Xbox服务发生间歇中断状况,并已修复完成,但该则推文仍有大量玩家反应无法进行游戏。

We are aware that multiple Xbox services experienced intermittent issues, but all services should be recovered at this time. Thank you for your patience, and happy gaming.

— Xbox Support (@XboxSupport)January 25, 2023