Rockstar Games确认GTA6泄露视频为真,黑客还兜售GTA5原始程序代码

日前有网站出现超过90支疑似GTA6开发中视频,引起哗然。彭博社向Rockstar Games求证,确认GTA6确实泄露开发视频。最新消息为黑客似乎还卖掉GTA5原始程序代码,售价10万美元。

外媒报道,GTA讨论区出现不明连接,有超过90支疑似GTA6开发中视频(目前仍可看)。彭博社记者Jason Schreier向Rockstar Games求证,确定真是GTA6开发中视频。

Not that there was much doubt, but I’ve confirmed with Rockstar sources that this weekend’s massive Grand Theft Auto VI leak is indeed real. The footage is early and unfinished, of course. This is one of the biggest leaks in video game history and a nightmare for Rockstar Games

— Jason Schreier (@jasonschreier)September 18, 2022

泄露来源可能是Rockstar Games加拿大多伦多工作室。视频显示早期测试系统,以及测试各种3D模型片段。Take-Two已采取行动,要求YouTube等各大平台删除视频。但有网站连接截稿时仍可看到。


A new update on this story:

The hacker has confirmed the source code for GTA6 is no longer up for sale, but still wants to sell GTAV’s source code and confidential GTAVI documents.

— Ben (@videotech_)September 18, 2022

(首图来源:Rockstar Games)