Microsoft 365陆续恢复服务 总共扰攘近六小时

Microsoft的Teams连同Microsoft 365服务今日发生大规模故障,造成服务无法使用等问题,先前终于陆续恢复,事件扰攘了总共6小时之久。

据Microsoft公告,他们首次发现有问题是在今天早上9:47,当时主要是Microsoft Team无法使用,不过后来发现除了Teams之外,其他Microsoft 365服务也出现异常,受影响的服务包括有Microsoft Word、Microsoft Graph API、SharePoint Online、Yammer和Windows 365等等。

We’ve received reports of users being unable to access Microsoft Teams or leverage any features. We’re investigating the issue and further updates can be found in your Service Health Dashboard via TM402718.

—Microsoft 365 Status (@MSFT365Status)July 21, 2022


Service availability has mostly recovered with only a few service features still requiring attention. We’ll continue to monitor the service while the remaining actions are completed. Additional information can be found under TM402718, MO402741, or at

—Microsoft 365 Status (@MSFT365Status)July 21, 2022
